Saturday, December 09, 2006

Scary Skeletons

I wanted to put this picture here so you could see how much I look like my brother Guido.

Friday, December 08, 2006

This is my brother, Guido. He found us on Dogster!!!! Now I have a whole other sibling! I can't wait to sniff his butt!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

No, this isn't a picture of me....

We got some exciting news when we got home! There was a Paw Mail on our Dogster account. Another Bugg from Minnesota wanted to know where I came from! She was my age and everything. So, we told her where Mom and Dad got me, and GUESS WHAT!!!! She's my sister! I might even get to meet her one of these days! Isn't that cool! I can't wait to sniff her butt! I haven't seen her since Mommy and Daddy picked me up.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Fang In Her Chair

I tried out my first hotel this week! It waas fun! I woofed at the maids and Mommy and Daddy had to pay extra to have me in their room. I didn't eat the furniture or pee in the bed though.
We got to play with some big dogs! I said, "WOOF! Give me your toys!"
They said, "Grrrrrrr....."
I let them keep the toys.

Friday, October 20, 2006

I don't know why everyone assumes that I'm the one who made the big mess in the bedroom! I don't even like the taste of carpet! You were going to replace that eventually anyway, right? If you didn't want me piddling in the bed you shouldn't have left me alone in there for so long! It's more your fault than mine. I'm not a bad dog! Really, I'm not.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I just thought I should warn you people about some stuff! Some of you might be getting pretty close to Ocho in the next couple months, maybe even sleeping in the same room! She snores. LOUD! As loud as Grandpa Pat. And she farts. That's not so loud, but it stinks. She's a very bad dog. I just cuddle, lick, and bark at my own reflection. I'm obviously the better dog.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

We're going on a trip!!!!

We better rest up, because we're going on a trip in a couple of months! Just wait until I get there! I bet there are all kinds of fun things to bite. I've never tasted hotel furniture before...

I'm so excited!